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Leighton Middle School

Sports Premium

Additional Sports Funding

From 2016 the school has received additional funding for primary school sports. The school received Additional Sports Funding for 2022-2023 of £18962. This funding is used by the school to employ a Sports Premium Officer for five days a week who is dedicated to improving opportunities for competition and collaboration. We link with other schools within LC2 to increase participation in sports.


Opportunities offered as a result of this funding include:

  • A full range of inter-house competition
  • Young Sports Leaders provision
  • Additional clubs and activities
  • Work with feeder Lower Schools
  • Opportunities for taster sessions in various sports
  • Club Links

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Leighton Middle School PE_sports_Premium_Action_Plan_2023 - 2024_Evaluated

Sports Leaders

 Each year the school recruits and trains Year Eight pupils to act as our Sports Leaders.  These pupils have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills in a wide range of contexts.